Empty trash windows 10
Empty trash windows 10

empty trash windows 10

I have attach a screenshot of a summary of my system specs as well as the properties of the recycle bin in the hope that it will be of some use when helping me with this issue. 1) Press Windows key + R to open run prompt.

empty trash windows 10

The actual drive that I use in the new system is a M.2 SSD and is the same one my I used in my old system so that should not be a factor either yet I am having this issue and no idea why so I hope someone might be able to shed some light on situation and offer a possible fix. Way 2: Clean Recycle Bin in its Context Menu. Deactivate the Storage Sense switch on your right. Deleting files from your Recycle Bin doesn’t mean they are gone forever since a myriad of file restoration programs exist to recover deleted data which is why you may need to use a program like Eraser to securely delete your personal data. Step 2: Navigate there with the left sidebar to the storage settings. Step 1: Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and go to System. I am not sure if this matters at all but my CPU in the new system is about 3x faster than my one in my old system and I went from DDR3 to DDR4 ram which again is faster so I am sure that's not the bottleneck. Open Recycle Bin, click Manage on the menu bar and choose Empty Recycle Bin. If you have activated Storage Sense in Windows 10, you can prevent the recycle bin from being automatically emptied as follows.


While restoring my files to the new system I discovered that the recycle bin in Windows 10 takes an inordinate amount of time to empty compared to Windows 7, which I was able to empty the recycle bin of hundreds of files totaling 2-3 gigs in a matter of seconds (10 max), but with Windows 10 even a much smaller amount of files (less than 200) with a combined size of around 150mb takes anywhere between 15-30 seconds to complete and seems to hang at the start of the process for a few seconds before finally staring to remove the files.


I just recently upgraded my system and my new motherboard only has drivers for Windows 10 so I had to upgrade my OS at the same time from Window 7 Pro 64bit to Windows 10 Pro 64bit (1809). 6 When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes ( UAC ), Yes, and OK to approve the merge. With that being said, here is my question. A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below. I asked this same question over at superuser, but did not receive much help so I thought I would post it here as well so more experienced users could take a look at it.

Empty trash windows 10